Stop Not Paying Attention to Consumer Attention

If your ad plays on an unwatched screen, it has the same impact as the lonely tree that falls in the forest. Who cares? An unseen ad has no impact. And in today’s universe where we constantly have multiple screens on, your ads are constantly falling without making a sound.

By using eyeball tracking, research firm Amplified Intelligence (AI) can tell when users are looking at an ad, partially looking, or not looking at all. The end result is that 76% of ads are dismissed by our eyes in less than a half-second! 

If you want our attention, simply being present is not nearly enough. 

Draw, Capture, and Activate Attention

Consider a distracted toddler. If you want to get their attention, you would need to do more than be in the same room. The goal is to draw, capture, and, finally, hold attention. For example:

  1. Draw Attention - Ignite senses by calling their name or waving your arms.
  2. Capture Attention - Provide an incentive by saying something funny or showing a toy.
  3. Activate Attention - Activate engagement by telling a story or playing with them.

When on our mobile phones, we have dozens of impulses trying to catch our attention. Those mobile ads get quickly dismissed while our gaze moves through endless scrolls, new notifications, other screens, or even nearby humans. And while our attention span may be better than that of the distracted toddler, we still need to be given something worthwhile before you can draw, capture, and activate our attention. 

Where Attention Is “Amplified”

Recently, DT partnered with Amplified Intelligence to focus on attention in one particular environment: mobile gaming. The report revealed “the exceptional ability of mobile video ads to deliver strong and consistent attention to brands in the mobile gaming environment”. The study found that in-game ads were able to drive longer attention which led to better brand recall. Despite this, spending on mobile games lags when compared to CTV, web, and social formats.

In a recent Mobile Monday blog, we busted 3 popular myths about mobile games. If you think your audience won’t engage with your ad in mobile games - think again! The stereotype you have in your head of mobile gamers is wrong - everyone plays games and spends a lot of time doing so. And the reality is, unlike CTV, web, and social environments, mobile games are the best place to draw, capture, and activate attention. Consider:

  1. Senses are on! Games require our mind to pay attention. That means your senses are perked. Your attention is easier drawn because your mind is already trained on trying to win the game. 
  2. You need incentives! Games give rewards for ad engagement. And those rewards help you advance in the game. Since the user needs to ad to win, the mobile advertisers are given prime opportunities to capture attention.
  3. It’s interactive! Unlike other environments, mobile gamers are ready to act! Their senses are on and they take incentives because they want to win. But ultimately, it’s the actions they take that will give them that victory. That means they are in that action-oriented mindset when they see your ad. 

The mobile game environment is specifically designed to draw, capture, and activate our attention. When 76% of ads are dismissed within a half-second, having the user in an engagement mindset right from the start at least gets you in the game. 

And Once You’re in the Game, Here’s How You Win

Amplified Intelligence also measured attention through its STAS (Short Term Advertising Strength) Index - how an ad affects brand recall and purchase behavior. AI’s Head of Research said about mobile games: “The full-screen formats produce high attention early… producing great STAS potential”. The benchmark for a “normal” ad with STAS is an index of 100. Digital Turbine ads proved very effective when it came to brand recall with 160 score. 

If you want to find out more about how Digital Turbine can help you find your audience in mobile games and then draw, capture, and activate their attention, contact us today!

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