Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM): An organization that makes devices. This Includes our partners like Samsung, Blu, Acer, and Archos.Carrier: Cell phone companies that provide cellular service to mobile users. This includes our partners like AT&T, Verizon, and Cricket.Insertion Order (IO): The contract required to launch and renew campaigns with Digital Turbine.Software Development Kit (SDK): A collection of software development tools in one installable package.Site ID (SID): Maps to a unique carrier and device make & model. So even if you are running on Verizon Samsung Galaxy and AT&T Samsung Galaxy, they would have different SIDs.Campaign ID (CID): This is a unique ID assigned by Digital Turbine to campaigns within our platform. Campaign IDs run on Site IDs.Conversion Rate (CVR): At Digital Turbine, conversion rates are pulled from Preload placement to first open.Android Package (APK): The application’s file that we are dynamically downloading onto devices during the first-boot process.
Fill Rates: The percentage of devices activated during a given time frame where your app has been preloaded.Post-Install Events (PIE): There are multiple post-install events that Digital Turbine measures:
Revenue Per Slot (RPS): We have a limited number of slots per device. RPS speaks to how our algorithm decides what campaigns in the inventory will be placed in these slots. In general, the higher the RPS = preload slotPost Install Actions (PIA): These are also known as notifications, but you may hear this product referred to as PIA. They are essentially notifications used to target unopened preloadsCost per Install (CPI): When the billing event occurs the first open of the app.Cost per Preload (CPP): The billing event occurs when the application is successfully downloaded onto the device at first boot.Effective Cost Per Action: We measure and report on multiple effective costs per action. These are calculated by dividing the total number action by the total cost.